
在这个模块中,我们将Introduction时间管理技巧. 你的时间很宝贵. 相应地,尽可能多地利用它来对待它. You are likely a busy person who is trying to take one or even a few online classes.

Many of you are either part-time or full-time students, who may or may not work. Because of these reasons you may find that there are not enough hours in the day to help you get everything done.


  • Learn what time management is and what your time management style is
  • 找出你的性格类型
  • Learn to create a schedule and discover some of the online scheduling apps
  • 发现如何优先安排你的时间
  • 学会用一些有用的工具来避免拖延


纪律, 责任, motivation — these are characteristics that all students need in order to get the most they can out of their classes.

它是。 ability to plan to control the amount of time you spend on activities. 那么你如何控制和管理你的在线课程时间呢?


You can identify your time management style by answering these questions. 我们创建了以下问题来帮助您 了解你的个性概况.

  • Your instructor just gave your class the prompts for your first essay, which is due in two weeks. 你从这里怎么走?
  • You are working on a group assignment that requires you to split up responsibilities with 3 other classmates. 你通常什么时候完成你的部分?
  • Your instructor just posted the instructions for your next assignment and you read them but don't quite understand what he's asking for in a certain part. 你可能会怎么做?
  • 周一早上你有一项重要的作业要交, and you have a social/work/family obligation that will keep you busy for most of the weekend. 现在是作业截止日期前的周三. 你会如何处理这种困境?
  • 下次班会前你必须读150页. 你有4天的时间. 你最有可能做什么?

这里没有正确或错误的答案. This is merely a chance for you to identify your time-management personality. Has your previous way of doing things worked for you, or do you think it is time for a change? 你知道你总是可以进步的.



a. 你在掌控之中
b. 动机不是问题
c. You are very organized — But remember to also take the time to enjoy learning


a. 你有基本的组织能力
b. 你并不总是前后一致
c. 还记得 to push the boundaries of your own expectations for yourself


a. 你总是在最后一刻才把事情做完
b. 你在压力下工作得很好,但Procrastination是你的弱点
c. 还记得 it’s a lot more enjoyable to not be stressed out when working your homework


a. 你等到最后一分钟,错过了一两个任务
b. 你思维敏捷,但并不总是有回报
c. 还记得, 你可以扭转局面, and plan to organize your time in a reasonable time - don’t be afraid to ask your professor for help


最好的时间表都有一定的灵活性, as you will undoubtedly have unexpected situations and circumstances arise during your time as a student.

现在你已经评估了你过去是如何做事情的, you'll want to think about how you might create a schedule for managing your time to improve on that!

你的日程安排是 独一无二的你,这取决于你认为有用的细节程度. 有一些事情——截止日期, 考试日期, 还有讨论时间, for example — that should be included in your schedule no matter what.

But you also might find it helpful to break down assignments into steps (or milestones) that you can schedule as well. Again, this is all about what works best for you — do you want to keep a record of only the major deadlines you need to keep in mind?

或者它能帮助你每天计划,让你保持在正轨上? 你对这些问题的回答会因课程的不同而有所不同, 你日程安排的复杂性, 你自己的时间表, 以及你自己的个人喜好.

你的课程表也会根据你选的课程而有所不同. So, 拿出你的教学大纲 and try to determine the rhythm of the class by looking at the following factors:

  • How often does your instructor expect discussion board contributions? 什么时候到期??
  • 这门课会有考试吗? 这些都安排在什么时候??
  • 有作业和论文吗? 什么时候交??
  • 有小组作业或合作作业吗?

You'll want to pay particular attention to the timing of any assignment that requires you to work with others: they take a longer time to complete when you are learning online because it can be more complicated to schedule times to get together.


You can find many useful resources online that will help you keep track of your schedule.

我们每个人每周都有168个小时. 你是怎么度过你的假期的? And now that you're a student, how much time will you be willing to devote to your studies?

The following are some very important questions that some of you might be asking.

  • Do I really need to create a study schedule when I'm taking an online course? 老实说,我可以在脑子里记住这一切.
    • Answer:
  • 实际上,我应该花多少时间来学习这门课?
    • 答:实际, A good rule of thumb for studying is to study two hours for every hour of class.
  • So aside from class time requirements, should I account for anything else as I draw up my schedule?
    • 回答:确定你什么时候最有成效、效率最高. When are you the most focused and ready to learn new things, in the morning, afternoon, or evening?
  • 我的生活和学校要求每周都在变化. 我怎么可能在制定时间表时考虑到这一点呢?
    • Answer: Try creating a variable schedule in case an event comes up or you need to take a day or two off
  • 死记硬背有什么不对? (不管怎样,我最终可能会这么做……)
    • 回答:死记硬背没有错. 问题是我们能坚持多久? 一个月,一个学期,或者整个大学时间. 它会变得非常紧张,让人神经紧张.


  • 今天需要做什么?
  • 这周需要完成的事情?
  • 在学期的第一个月结束之前需要完成什么?
  • 在学期的第二个月结束前需要完成什么?
  • 在学期末需要完成什么?


你已经花了很多时间了, energy, and money on the online classes you're taking — don't let all that go to waste!


  • 直到最后一分钟才开始工作
  • 开夜车
  • 请求延期
  • 使用 我找借口说网络坏了

如果这些听起来很熟悉,那么你可能想要 想认真 about whether you have the tendency to procrastinate and you want to deal with it.

Here are few suggestions to help you overcome these challenges and win this battle for your own good:

  • Manage your time accordingly by dividing your assignments into smaller chunks.
  • Turn off your phone, close your chat windows, and block distracting websites.
  • Study in a place reserved for study, where you won’t get distracted, like the library.
  • 创建一个“任务清单” 在你继续工作的时候,用它来检查任务.


好消息! You're well on your way through this Quest for Online Success course. In this module we've provided many ideas for time management and how to determine your time management style and your personality type. We also covered some tips on creating a schedule and prioritizing your time.

如上所述, 不惜一切代价避免拖延. 说起来容易做起来难,但尽你所能! You can find additional tools and strategies online that will work well for your individual style.




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