Administration Building Front Entrance


Biotech Training Academy

Manufacturing Technician Biotech Cohort

This 6 week training program 的目的是为学员准备一级制造技术员的入门职位. 除了提供该角色所需的基本技术技能之外, 参与者将学习工作准备技能,帮助他们找到并保持工作.

加入生物技术桥培训学院,为职业生涯和发展机会做准备. Entry level salary is typically $22 per hour. The program is provided at no-cost to those who qualify.

To participate in the Biotech Training Academy, you must be unemployed, 您必须能够在美国合法工作,并能够提供文件(护照或社会安全卡和DL)。. 

What Does a Manufacturing Technician 1 Do?

This could be you...

Photo of the Biotech Academy Staff

Manufacturing Technicians 1 利用现行的良好生产规范(GMP), standard operating procedures, 批判性思维,良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神.

Manufacturing Technicians 1  are 负责各类工艺设备的安装、操作和清洗. They take meticulous notes, clean and sanitize equipment in biomedical, biopharmaceutical, and bioindustrial settings. 


Requirements and Job Duties*

Initial Requirements:

  • High school diploma or GED, AA preferred
  • Ability to pass background check and drug screen
  • 基本的数学技能,熟练使用公制系统
  • Accurate documentation skills is a must
  • 能够在洁净室(消毒)环境中工作和成长
  • Available to work any shift, including weekends
  • 必须能接受在寒冷的环境中工作,需要搬运重物和大量的清洁工作
  • Must read/write/speak English effectively

Job Duties:

  • 负责执行生产中的所有流程
  • 充分参与部门项目和质量工作小组
  • 强调根据FDA规定的文件
  • 在洁净室(消毒)的生产环境中工作
  • Facility and equipment cleaning
  • 遵守cGMP,环境卫生和安全准则以及其他相关法规
  • Ability to lift/push/pull 50lbs.

*这些是一些职责的例子,根据公司的不同,它们可能会有所不同. Other duties may be assigned.


What Topics are Covered in the Training?

You will be learning....

  • Manufacturing Principles/ Cleanroom Behavior
  • OSHA Safety
  • Attitude/Emotional Intelligence/Self Awareness
  • Documentation/Fact Checking and Following SOPs
  • Fractionation/Blood Basics
  • Lab Techniques/Aseptic Techniques & PPE
  • Math for the Workplace
  • Critical Thinking/Problem Solving
  • Science, Biology & Chemistry for the Workplace
  • Effective Communication/ Team Building
  • Integrity, Values & Ethics
  • 生物制造业清洁与卫生
  • Time Management/Goal Setting
  • Best Practices for Success
  • Interview Skills/Resume Writing 

那些阅读和数学能力达到或超过9年级水平的学生为学院教授的数学和科学主题做好了充分的准备. 那些认为自己没有很强的数学或科学背景的参与者不应该气馁,因为工作场所的数学和科学是在学院期间教授的. Most importantly, a desire to learn, interest in the field of biotechnology, 对项目的投入决定了个人在项目中的成功. Participants 必须年满18岁并具有高中毕业证书或同等学历.

When is the next Biotech Training Academy?

6 Weeks M-F 8:30am-3:30pm


2024年8月12日星期一- 2024年9月19日星期四


Campus Map参赛者可在指定停车场免费停车.

皇冠官网网站鼓励残疾人参加学校的项目和活动. 如果你需要任何形式的住宿, 或者对提供的物理访问有疑问, please contact SFP Program Specialist, Maryel Giron发邮件到gironme@lavc.Edu或致电(818)947 - 2926尽快查询, 但不得迟于活动前十(10)个工作日. 

Interested in the Biotech Training Academy?

Please complete this interest form. ​​​​​​

Do you have questions? Would you like more information?

请通过电子邮件gironme联系SFP项目专家Maryel or call 818-947-2926.


Community Health Worker Certificate



The 6 week in-person certificate program 培训社区成员和学生在各自的社区担任社区卫生工作者. 社区卫生工作者是值得信赖的一线公共卫生工作者,是卫生服务之间的纽带, social services, 同时帮助患有慢性病的老年人和其他人获得医疗和社会服务. 他们的重点是在社区中建立信任,并为有需要的人提高生活质量. There is a high demand for CHWs in California.


Monday, July 1st - Thursday, August 8th

Monday and Wednesday 9am - 2:30pm

Tuesday and Thursday 9am - 12:00pm 

(Job Fair on Tuesday, August 13th, 10am-12pm)

在6周内,学生将有机会完成 3 required courses 获得社区卫生工作者结业证书. 参加这个为期六周的项目的学生还将参加就业准备培训和研讨会,为8月份的招聘会做准备!

We will be hosting an Orientation on Friday, 6月28日上午10点到11点在ACA 2505教室为参加培训的同学提供更多信息.

The schedule will be as follows:


Monday-Thursday 9 am-12:00 pm

9 am-12 pm:

·班级:VOC ED 554CE:社区卫生工作者I(7月1日- 7月21日)

·班级:VOC ED 555CE:社区卫生工作者II(7月22日- 8月11日)

12 pm-12:30 pm: Lunch Break

Monday & Wednesday 12:30 pm-2:30 pm

Training and Workshops on the following topics:

· Resume writing

· Cover letter writing

· Job search

· Interview skills

· Work readiness skills

· Elevator speech and mock interviews

Tuesday, August 13th, 10 am-12 pm

成功完成课程并参加培训/工作坊的学生将被邀请参加招聘会,与来自大洛杉矶地区的CHW雇主会面. 学生必须能够在美国合法工作.


获得社区卫生工作者结业证书, 学生必须参加以下三门课程,并在每门课程中获得“P”(及格)的成绩.*

· VOC ED 554CE: Community Health Workers I

(Class Number 14739)


· VOC ED 555CE: Community Health Workers II

(Class Number 14740)


·基本技能116CE: 21世纪就业技能-沟通

(Class Number 14831)


For Assistance or Questions:

Hasmik Kirakosyan, Student Services Aide


*Students will need to complete three classes with passing ("P") grades to earn the COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKER CERTIFICATE

Workforce Development Office Hours and Location

Monday to Thursday: 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Friday: 8:00AM - 3:00PM
Saturday and Sunday: Closed

Location: 行政及职业发展大楼1301 (map)

Phone: 818-947-2334 


Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day: Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Memorial Day: Monday, May 27, 2024
Juneteenth: Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Independence Day: Thursday, July 4, 2024

Labor Day: Monday, September 2, 2024

Veteran's Day: November 11, 2024

Thanksgiving Holiday break: November 28 and 29, 2024

District Holidays: December 24, 25, and 30 and 31st.